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Privacy Policy

  • Website Usage
    • The terms and conditions below are binding for every user of the website (“Website”), so before using the Website, please read these terms and conditions carefully:
    • PT. House and Vox Indonesia may change the contents of these terms without prior notice.
  • Restrictions
    • While using the Website, you are not allowed to do the following actions:
      • Actions that violate the personal data or confidentiality of House Japanese Curry, including but not limited to unauthorized access to the Website, breaking into security systems, misusing or damaging House Japanese Curry data, and so on;
      • Actions that may harm House Japanese Curry or other parties.
      • Actions that violate norms of decency, ethics, morality, SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations), and/or defamation;
      • Criminal acts or actions that may facilitate criminal acts;
      • Providing comments, posting articles, using Website content and/or using the Website for commercial purposes;
      • Providing false statements, data, or information;
      • Introducing computer viruses or other programs that directly or indirectly can damage the Website;
      • Actions deemed inappropriate by House Japanese Curry in connection with the use of the Website; and/or other actions that violate applicable laws or regulations.
    • If any of the above actions are found, House Japanese Curry may delete the related data without prior notice to you, and/or for actions that violate the law, House Japanese Curry will take necessary legal actions.
  • Trademarks and Copyright
    • Ownership, Copyright, or other rights attached to information, articles, recipes, images, videos, or other content contained in the Website belong to House Japanese Curry or other parties whose usage rights are owned by House Japanese Curry. Therefore, you are only allowed to use this content for non-commercial, informative, and personal purposes, without violating applicable laws. If you want to copy the recipe content contained on this Website, you must include information indicating that you have taken the content from the Website. Besides these, you are not allowed to use the content on this Website.
    • Any information you send to House Japanese Curry in the form of testimonials, partnerships, purchases, ideas, becomes the property of House Japanese Curry and may be used by House Japanese Curry for the development of its business activities, with the exception of your personal data recorded on the Website which will be protected according to House Japanese Curry's Privacy Policy.
    • The copyright of the content we send to you via electronic mail (e-mail) is owned by House Japanese Curry and you are not allowed to distribute it without the permission of House Japanese Curry.
    • All trademarks used on the Website are owned by House Japanese Curry or other parties whose usage rights are owned by House Japanese Curry. Therefore, you are not allowed to use these trademarks without prior permission from House Japanese Curry.
  • Disclaimer
    • House Japanese Curry strives to present the content on the website appropriately and well, but House Japanese Curry does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the content.
    • Without prior notice, House Japanese Curry may freeze or stop the Website and may transfer, repair, or change the content contained in the Website;
    • House Japanese Curry is not responsible for any loss incurred by you or other parties resulting from your use of the Website, loss of access to the Website, loss/damage arising in connection with the content of the Website, or unauthorized access to the Website.
  • Protection of Your Personal Data
    • House Japanese Curry will protect House Japanese Curry's use of your personal information in accordance with House Japanese Curry's Privacy Policy and Law no. 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection
    • House Japanese Curry does not sell, trade, or disclose any information related to users or visitors of House Japanese Curry's website.
    • House Japanese Curry does not track visitors to House Japanese Curry's website.
    • This website uses cookies.
    • All your activities and other information are stored confidentially in accordance with the applicable laws in Indonesia and House Japanese Curry's internal policies.
  • Recommended Environment

    Product Development Suggestions, etc. House Japanese Curry cannot accept ideas, notes, concepts, or other suggestions you send regarding product development, marketing, and other activities (“SUGGESTIONS”). It should be understood that for every Suggestion sent to House Japanese Curry the following terms apply:

    • House Japanese Curry is not responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the Suggestions;
    • House Japanese Curry is not obligated to review or evaluate the Suggestions;
    • If House Japanese Curry develops concepts or ideas similar to your Suggestions, House Japanese Curry has no obligations to you.
  • Linked Sites

    House Japanese Curry is not responsible for any loss caused by the content of third-party websites linked to this Website (“LINKED WEBSITES”) or from the use of Linked Websites. In principle, connecting to the Website is free of charge, but House Japanese Curry, considering the content and contents, may refuse to connect to the Linked Websites either before or after connecting to the Linked Websites.

  • Cookie

    Applicable Law and Competent Court

    • This Website and these Terms and Conditions are governed by and in accordance with Indonesian law.
    • In the event of disputes, disagreements, and/or differences related to the Website and its use, it will be resolved by choosing the Central Jakarta District Court in the DKI Jakarta province.
  • Terms & Conditions:
    • Recipes must be written in good and correct Indonesian and English and easy to understand.
    • Recipes must match the theme of the dishes determined each month.
    • Use House Japanese Curry brand products.
    • The photos of the dishes must be clear and attractive.
    • Recipes and photos of the dishes must be your own work and have a dish name.
    • Recipes should not use words that contain SARA elements, are indecent or vulgar.
  • House Japanese Curry Website

    On the House Japanese Curry website, House Japanese Curry provides URL links to other sites that are not controlled by House Japanese Curry. House Japanese Curry is not responsible for the content and security of those sites. If you access these sites, please check their privacy and security policies.

    If you access the House Japanese Curry website via a URL link from another site, make sure the address you access is correct, namely

    House Japanese Curry may change this privacy policy and security information at any time to stay aligned with the latest situation and technology. You can always review House Japanese Curry's latest privacy and security policy information at

  • Tips for Using the House Japanese Curry Website More Safely

    Basically, House Japanese Curry's internet system and network have been optimally secured. The security conditions of the House Japanese Curry site are always monitored and enhanced in line with technological developments and existing threats.

    Threats are also experienced by all internet users, including the House Japanese Curry website. Therefore, we from House Japanese Curry ask for your attention as users of the House Japanese Curry site to some types of threats you may encounter when accessing the internet. Security tips that can be done when you use the House Japanese Curry website are as follows:

  • Phishing is a fraudulent method used by certain parties to obtain confidential information from users of the House Japanese Curry website, such as User IDs and passwords. Some ways include:
    • Pretending to be someone from House Japanese Curry and asking for user data for certain reasons.
    • Sending a URL link to a site made as similar as possible to the official House Japanese Curry site but is actually fake.
  • Security tips:
    • It should be noted that House Japanese Curry never sends emails as described above to users. If you receive such an email that appears to be from House Japanese Curry, you can delete the email immediately.
    • If you have already provided the requested information or feel that your User ID and Password are no longer confidential, immediately contact House Japanese Curry. Make sure the site you are visiting is
    • Use a security password that is difficult for others to guess.
      A computer virus is a program created to damage the system on a computer. Usually, computer viruses are created to infect a computer system. If a computer system has been infected with a virus, various losses may occur. For example, the system becomes unstable, certain data is damaged or lost, etc. Computer viruses can spread through e-mails, documents attached to e-mails, or other programs downloaded from the internet.
    • Security tips:
      • Install an antivirus program on your computer and regularly update it.
      • Do not download or run programs from untrusted sources.
      • Before running files received via e-mail, make sure that the e-mail and attached files are free from viruses.
      • Spyware is a program that records and reports information about a user's activities without the user's knowledge. Spyware can collect information such as the types of websites visited, the types of data downloaded, and others. Spyware can also affect the performance of a computer system.
  • Security tips:
    • Be careful when downloading programs from the internet.
    • Use an antivirus program that can detect spyware.
    • Trojan Horse is a program that appears to be normal but contains malicious code. This program can damage files on a computer system or provide unauthorized access to third parties.
    • Security tips:
    • Install an antivirus program on your computer and regularly update it.
    • Do not download or run programs from untrusted sources.
    • These tips may be updated at any time. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically check this page for the latest information.

      Spyware is a type of computer program designed to 'steal' important/personal information from an infected computer and send it to a specific location on the internet for retrieval by its creator. The main targets of this information include: User ID and Password, email address, and more.

    • Spyware can be installed through email attachments, programs installed from unclear sources, or by malicious websites.
    • Viruses can be programmed to spread spyware. However, unlike viruses that are more destructive, spyware works quietly to avoid detection, making it easier to gather the information desired by the spyware's creator/distributor.
    • Security tips:
      • Use updated antivirus software on your computer and ensure that your computer is scanned in real-time.
      • Many viruses come through received emails, so be cautious when using email. Delete suspicious emails or emails from unknown senders, and scan email attachments before opening them.
      • Use a firewall on your computer's operating system or install a personal firewall and ensure that the installed firewall settings can secure your PC.
      • It is advisable not to access or even download files/programs from unknown or untrusted websites on the internet.
      • Scan files received from diskettes, CDs, and USB drives.
      • Ensure that your computer's operating system and applications are protected with the latest protection systems.
    • Bot (roBot)
    • A Bot is a type of computer program that, once installed on your PC, can cause your PC to be controlled remotely by someone else over the network. The creator/distributor of the Bot can do anything with your PC.
    • Generally, controlled PCs (known as Botnets) are used to send SPAM, viruses, worms, or to attack other computers connected to the network.
  • Security tips:
    • Use updated antivirus software on your computer and ensure that your computer is scanned in real-time.
    • Many viruses come through received emails, so be cautious when using email. Delete suspicious emails or emails from unknown senders, and scan email attachments before opening them.
    • Use a firewall on your computer's operating system or install a personal firewall and ensure that the installed firewall settings can secure your PC.
    • It is advisable not to access or even download files/programs from unknown or untrusted websites on the internet.
    • Scan files received from diskettes, CDs, and USB drives.
    • Ensure that your computer's operating system and applications are protected with the latest protection systems.