
4 Nutritious Signature Okinawan Ingredients

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Basic ingredients for their local dishes

Japan is a geographically diverse country. This region stretches through two different types of climates. In the north, Japan experiences a climate with four seasons. Then move to the south, the area felt a slightly warm air with a subtropical climate.

One of the prefectures in this subtropical climate is Okinawa. The area consisting of a series of islands is quite unique compared to other places. With warmer air and more exposure to sunlight each year, Okinawa is a fertile area for growing different kinds of vegetables and fruits.

This even affects their lifestyle, even the world recognizes the term “Okinawa Diet”. Some people also know the Okinawa Diet as the secret to longevity because they have relatively healthier cuisine. Various vegetables and fruits that grow in the area make most of the people consume more nutritious foods.

The following are some signature crops and food ingredients from Okinawa that are known for being rich in nutrients and are the basis for many foods served in the region.


Goya atau yang kita kenal dengan pare adalah salah satu bahan makanan yang banyak tumbuh di Okinawa. Meski rasanya sedikit pahit, goya ternyata mengandung vitamin C dalam jumlah besar. Salah satu masakan populer berbahan dasar goya adalah goya champuru yang merupakan tumis pare dengan tahu, telur, dan bacon sebagai pelengkapnya. Bahkan sebagian orang Okinawa membuat goya menjadi jus sebagai “obat” untuk mengatasi panasnya udara musim panas di kawasan tersebut.


Asa is a plant similar to seaweed. Many people also call “Asa” sea lettuce. Besides being able to be cooked into various dishes, Asa also rich in nutrients because it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, C,and K, as well as various minerals, especially calcium and magnesium.


You must be familiar with spinach. This vegetable, which is Popeye’s favorite food, is also widely grown in Okinawa. But what distinguishes it from ordinary spinach is the purple color under the leaf. This vegetable contains a lot of potassium, calcium, and iron, as well as vitamin A.

Murasaki imo

Murasaki imo is a purple sweet potato specially grown in the Okinawa region. The purple color found in sweet potatoes comes from pigments that have antioxidant properties. Not only that, but purple sweet potatoes from Okinawa also contain high levels of vitamins A, B6, C as well as potassium, iron and manganese.

Keempat bahan tersebut jadi pelengkap, bahkan bahan utama dalam berbagai masakan khas Okinawa. Selain dari keempat bahan tersebut, masyarakat Okinawa tidak jarang mencampur masakan mereka dengan kombu sebagai bahan penyedap. Selain dapat menghasilkan rasa umami, rumput laut Jepang tersebut juga merupakan sumber nutrisi yang baik.

The four ingredients seem to be delicious if we mix them with Japanese curry. For the curry sauce, it’s easier if you use the House Kari ala Jepang. You see, House Kari ala Jepang comes in a practical package and is ready to cook!

You can also buy the House Kari ala Jepang at various supermarkets, you know!

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